Saturday, November 17, 2012


I came across this film tonight on netflix
what an interesting story
not just the movie itself but the story of how the movie got made
in 1930 the famous Russian director Sergei Eisenstein
 (Battleship Potemkin and The Ten Days That Shook the World among others)
came to Hollywood to make a movie
it is said it did not work out well as his and Hollywood's vision diverged greatly
Charlie Chaplin introduced him to the socialist writer Upton Sinclair
the Sinclair's decided to finance Eisenstein to make a movie in Mexico
 Eisenstein in Mexico during the filming
gotta love this guy
he shot hundreds of thousands of feet of film in Mexico
the movie was way over budget and way over it's time limit
and Sinclair pulled the plug
the film was sent to LA and Sergei planned to follow it and edit it
Upton Sinclair was so pissed that the movie took too long and was still not finished
he made sure that Eisenstein was not allowed back into the United States
in addition his foray into the West had made them suspicious of him back home in Russia
a suspicion that never went away
Sinclair had some of the footage made into shorts and a feature in 1933
 not very successfully
in the 1970's Russia finally got the footage back
Eisenstein died in 1948
but the cameraman who had worked with him in Mexico, Gorgori Alexsandrove
put the film together - true to what he thought Eisenstein was trying to do
it is a series of vignettes,or as Sergei called them "a sequence of short novellas"
a loose history of Mexico
the old footage is fascinating, the faces, the cloths, the houses, the instruments, the music 
and the graveyards
narrated in Russian, English sub-titles, black and white, very powerful

1 comment:

  1. Checking your blog for Xmas pics! Did I ever tell you that we checked out this movie and enjoyed it. Now let's see if I can actually post this.
