Saturday, June 23, 2012

a most amazing tree

last night before dark and in-between the rain
I took a walk

walking is my new favorite thing
I have been walking almost every night for an hour or more
usually I go late, 11 or 12
no cars, no people out, it is so quiet, so peaceful

this is a tree I pass often
I know it is a huge tree but I pass it in the dark

last evening what I saw stopped me in my tracks

this tree had great long stalks of huge flowers

this morning when I went back to take pictures
also between the rain
most of the flowers were not open

the whole tree looked like this stem yesterday

and then I looked down

the ground covered

in huge flowers

and the fruits

 were just as amazing

they were equally as huge and looked very strange
hanging down from the tree

you can see why it's common name is the sausage tree
it is also known as the African Tulip Tree
which I like a lot better

I found a seed pod that was on the ground and took several seeds from it last night
I planted them and will let you know if they germinate
today I took a whole seed pod just in case they don't

I took several flowers from the ground too

oh and you are wondering about me tromping around in someone's yard
 no one lives in the house

it's an abandoned tree

I wish I could adopt it

Sunday, June 10, 2012

the long awaited and greatly anticipated

 dance recital

Friday was the dress rehearsal
the dancers got to watch several of the other dances
before they had to go back and get ready

the little kids came on first, so they could go home early
we thought they were adorable

these guys and girls had strange ripped costumes
looks like ballet

not ballet

these little ones were tappers
(you can tell by the hands on the hips)

more great costumes and cute kids

(finally) our girls are on

practicing the curtain call

I just love all those sweet little ballerina dresses
in the lights

now that is ballet

more adorable little dancers

they danced to "Put on a Happy Face"
I have a little video of them, adorable
but it won't upload

this number was very moving
it started out with the little girls laying on the stage
and the music was "I Have a Dream"
the little girls went out, the big girls danced
and the little girls ran in and found them
I cried

 next day - show time

I am relegated to the dressing rooms with the dancers
for the total performance
good thing we saw most of it yesterday

we are making sure our make-up looks good
buns right and our skirts puffed

Em's bun is perfect thanks to Aunt Amy
who danced and taught dance
and did several buns before the show

the dressing room was buzzing

they were so excited

(again finally) they were next

it was fun to be backstage when they were on
I have always loved being backstage

I know, I know, hard to see but
Em is on the left and they are flying this girl

costume change for acro number
that is acrobatics for us old people

these were beautiful costumes
gotta love the head piece

I am not sure why I do not have a photo of this dance from yesterday
only this one from backstage

this time Em is the one being lifted up

dinner after the show at Fisherman's Wharf
 showing you her metal for being a "Star" today
with her dad and aunt Amy

 most of the rest of her silly family 

was there


see you next year

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I was just reading a friend's blog and I wanted to see a picture bigger
I just clicked on it and
wah la
a got a large view and a string for all the photos
ran to my blog
yep, click on a picture....
they look so much better that way
this blog probably does lots of cool things I am not aware of

Friday, June 8, 2012

kids and kayaks

Mr A. was all for it

he loved kayaking with his pop pop

Miss Em paddled her own boat

grandma happy to stay on shore and hold Lulu

well we had to get our feet wet

lots of better photos got taken with E.'s camera

even on the beach she finds trees to climb

later that day

 everyone in the pool

sisterly love, here let me dunk you

even Lulu liked it, though she was looking for a way to eat the tube

this is the bathing suit I bought for her mom
when she was a baby

sometimes it seems like just the other day.....