Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 1st 2014

it was overcast but not cool
the steel gray made it feel like New Years Day to me


first Kayaking of the year

we put into Lemon Bay at a dead-end street
 about a half mile from the house

it's an old section of town and the houses
are set back and they left the trees
it lovely

just past them are the newer houses
they couldn't be uglier
right next to the water, hardly any trees

we paddled up the bay to the Lemon Bay Park
a huge undeveloped area right on the bay - no houses
except this main building where they have talks and whatever

the shore is wild for miles - old Florida
with lots of little beaches

and mangroves

we have a favorite beach about a mile north
that is still in the park

nobody comes up this far - we have it to ourselves

it comes with a great water view

we had a picnic and played cribbage

 I won - but not by much as you can see

the winning hand - not terrific but it did the job

always sad to leave

this is an invasive Brazilian pepper bush/tree on the beach
it is so Christmasy with the red and green

like the beach was decorated for the holiday

heading home we stopped and checked out the herons

and they checked out us

Happy Everything in 2014


  1. You have mangroves just like the ones seen on the boat ride through the lagoon at the tortugario. I always wait for a snake to drop down into the boat from the branches. You're lucky ducks to have lovely locations so close to your home. "Happy everything", right back at you!

  2. OK, what's going on? Nothing for three weeks.
