Wednesday, August 28, 2013

flowers - my favorite living things
for example
when I first bought this house
the east side was full of lemon grass
it did nothing to keep the morning sun from beating on that east wall
it heated up the whole house
in the evening you could still feel the heat in that wall
one of the first things I did was transplant the grass to the front
buy an arbor
and plant this vine
Thunbergia grandiflora
or as it's commonly called - the Sky Plant
my friend in Mexico was my inspiration, she has it flowing all down her 2-story house
I have always loved the color of the flowers
this is from last year at this time
it was starting to bloom
this year - holy crap
it has taken over
just like I had hoped it would
it now shades the wall quite well
and has lovely cascading flowers

this is the kind of thing that makes me happy

Sunday, August 18, 2013

great trip to the wild west
part 3 - the best part
the interesting thing about this part of the trip
was that it was in my head
ok, I know what you are thinking, no
it was in my head from a book or books actually
when I knew I was going to Wyoming I wanted to read up on the place
I did some research and found that an author I liked - lived in a small town in Wyoming
and had written 3 books of stories about the state
Annie Proulx has written several good books, Shipping News, Accordion Crimes, Postcards,
That Old Ace in the Hole and she is well know for Brokerback Mountain
(which is a short story in the first book or Wyoming stories)
these stories about Wyoming would be the perfect vacation reading
I ordered the first one on-line
I really enjoyed the first one before I left
found the second one at our local good-will (really)
and took it with me  
I love this photo that is just how it looked if you got off the main road
this was also my favorite of the 3 books
I left if for my friend in Colorado
and the third I found in a used bookstore in Laramie
which I finished and left in the cabin in the mountains
with the card decks and guidebooks left by others
I have never really been big on short story collections, but hers are different
each story somehow relates to the other, not a novel  but not separate either
together they paint a total picture
 told with a very interesting sense of wry directness and humor
the book that made my mind buzz the whole trip though was
Bird Cloud,  a Memoir of Place
first I love a good memoir, give me truth over fiction any day
plus I love property and building
that is exactly what she had done, bought 640 on the North Platte River
a few miles north of Saratoga
which was exactly where I was!
when I read the first book of stories it said she lived in Centennial, a town just east
of the mountains from Saratoga
I was thinking it was cool that it was so close and I thought I might drive through her town
then to find out that a few years before she had gone back and forth over the mountains
building a house in Saratoga, the places she describes
I was right there
I asked everyone about her
or I would be reading one of the books at breakfast and people would volunteer information
one said she was crazy building out there
another said she was not there anymore and had to leave
(at the end of her book she said she realized she could not live there all year)
I wanted to see the place, this stuff of her dreams
I was so close, no one could tell me exactly where it was
but then one young lady said someone was living out there
and no, you could not get close to see the house as there were locked gates
no one was sure if she still lived out there, maybe in the summer someone said
we went over to Centennial one day when we were up in the mountains
it was a very small town with only 2 restaurants, only one was open
the guy at the post office saw I was carrying Bird Cloud - he said,
you know Annie Proulx use to live here
yeah, I said, that is so cool, I love her
then he said, you won't believe this but she has a stalker
a stalker he said,
He called over to Saratoga post office to leave a message that Annie had mail
and the lady said she could not take it cause there had been some stalker
and they did not trust it was him
about a week later Annie called him and came and got her mail
that was the week before I was there
this is the view up river from town
is that Annie's Bird Cloud bluff on the Platte I can see??
there was no way I was going to get even close to seeing her amazing place
when I got home I searched the internet
and there it was
Bird Cloud
a formidable house - wow
I got these photos from someone else's blog
I have no idea where they got them
I was very happy to see them though
 these are photos from a realty website in 2011
she was selling the place - I thought as much but just found out tonight
definitely a one of a kind property
you can see why she fell in love with it
 wow - check out the island
she talked a lot about the island in the book

one site said it was for sale for $3,700,000. in November 2011
then another said $3 million even

now it is $2,595,000.
who wants to go in on it with me?

the writings and the house
of this woman sparked my imagination
through-out my trip

here is a great interview she gave the Paris Review
on the art of fiction
a couple excerpts -
When you started writing the Wyoming stories, did you feel any need to get acquainted with the tradition of writing about the American West? 
Why the hell would I do that? That’s not a tradition. No, I didn’t do anything like that. Writing about the American West is just like writing about the American East or wherever. It’s good to keep shifting around. I’d written about New England, and then it was enough.
And there is that story “The Hellhole,” where at least one portal to the underworld—
Yes, definitely. Definitely Wyoming. You can get directly to hell from Wyoming.


 she should know

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

great trip to the wild west
part 2
previously - cabin in the mountains
my brother had to leave a day early to go back to work
I almost keep going over the mountains and on back to Colorado
something made me want to come back to Saratoga
and spend one more day
man am I glad I did
I would have missed the Saratoga hot springs
and I mean hot
this one is 108 to 110 degrees

 I was lucky it was a somewhat cloudy morning
when I came down from the cabin
still it must have been 80 degrees outside
and I could only get into the big one up to my knees
this one was a smaller pool next to it
maybe 102
that was doable
this is the Hobo Pool
free to the public and open 24 hours a day
amazing right?!
all sand bottomed - you can see the springs bubble up
and almost better was the pools down in the river
where the Hobo pool overflow was
I spent all morning here on the North Platte
since my brother was working so I spent the afternoon at the lake
 I was thinking I might camp there again
mosquitoes be damned
it was a nice calm sunny day at the lake
then out of nowhere this storm flew in
you could see the rain coming a long way off
the place is a desert
it never rains there and I wanted to camp and it was raining
my brother to the rescue
he got me a room at the resort he works for
half off - family discount - sweet
Nice western resort right on the Platte River, they had everything
bikes, kayaks, inner tubes, ATVs, jeeps
and a golf course of which my brother was the new pro.....
I loved my room
the lights over the sink were cool
and I especially liked the hooks on the wall
the resort has a large sand bottomed pool 100 degrees
then some tipis
with pools in them at various temperatures
I swam in the big pool for awhile - so nice
and then it started to rain again
so I went into the tipis
the first one I tried was not hot enough, nor the second
but the third one was just right
it was getting dark and the lightening was very visible
loud claps of thunder
driving rain
and I was warm and cozy in my tipi - it was so wonderful
natural hot springs, there is nothing like them
sadly it was time to head south the next day
I went the scenic route
south to Riverside but upriver on the Platte
(it runs from Colorado north through Wyoming...)
around the south end of the Medicine Bow Mountains
52 - really?

 the vistas were gorgeous
I had to keep stopping to look and take photos
which was no problem as the roads were wide
you could see for miles
and there was no one on them
these guys were way out there
this is telephoto
I liked this place
I  wonder who lived there and what happened
it was way out there too
just a whole lot of cows
in the middle of nowhere
as I got closer to Fort Collins retracing my steps back
the traffic increased and the middle of nowhere seemed a remote memory
I needed a place with some shade and some quiet before meeting my friends
 I finally found this road
finally because though it looks like it is open and wild
it is all owned, fenced and gated
I was lucky to find a little shade to read and rest in
it was the last bit of wild I was to see that trip
once again I had the luxury of staying with my friends
they are beautiful
and Fort Collins is lovely
pots of flowers everywhere downtown on College Street
I could not get over how well they grew there
my friend is an artist
she has been in FC almost 25 years
that was her first apartment and studio upstairs
now it its all fancy stores and tourist haunts
we ate breakfast at a wonderful old house converted into a restaurant
we sat out on the big shady patio
her framed watercolors filled the building
I was so proud to be with her, I wanted to wear a sign
"I know the artist"
it was a happy town and I had such a good time!
after a good visit and a good rest
I headed back to Colorado Springs
the traffic was almost as bad as coming up
it was still just as shocking
it was fun to spend my last couple days at my old friends
funny thing though is that I could not stay in my tent in her yard as I had on the way in
as it rained hard for 2 days there
"it never rains here this time of year, it's a desert"
yes, I must have brought the rain from Florida, your welcome
that's ok, at least my hotel had wildlife in front of it
there was some amazing light shows over the mountains
too bad I could not get photos
the day I left, the rain had washed the air clean
and the mountains were spectacular
next - part 3
Tracking Annie Proulx and Bird House while in Saratoga Wyoming