Friday, April 6, 2012

mystery solved

thanks to my friend B.

this is the Blue Walking Iris Plant - Neomarica

as per Amazon

I believe I have Neomarica caerulia
and not Neomarica gracilis
as my flowers are more blue, the gracilis has more white

when I went outside this morning
I saw that this amazing plant had 5 more flower buds
they were so cute,
 little caps coming out of that same branch
like a magician's magic trick

as soon as the sun came up over the fence, these flowers started to unfurl

right before my eyes

it was amazing to me

these plants originally came from Brazil
 their common name is the Apostle Plant
which comes from the belief that a
Neomarica will not bloom until the plant has 12 leaves.

and though beautiful, they are deadly
all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested....

good to know


  1. What fine looking flowers they are! I thought flowers from bulbs only did well with four seasons.

    1. not sure how well bulbs like tulip and daffodils would do here but there are lots of tropical bulbs I am learning about!

  2. Deborah, have you changed your email address? I have sent you a couple of messages but they have come back saying "not a subscriber". They are at a address. Let me know.
