Thursday, February 21, 2013

our amazing vacation
week 1
Cuyutlan, Mexico

we had the nicest place to stay
thanks to our friend C.
that is our room at the end of the pool

cool and quiet
view from our room
seriously peaceful
which was a good thing as selling our property
and giving away most of our things
was stressful
thanks Mr. C.
I wouldn't have made it without your generous hospitality
and great meals!
one of the best things about visiting Cuyutlan
is all the great meals with friends
this was our day at El Real
mi tres amigos especial
and this is Friday gringo night at Dago's
all the usual suspects turned out
it was great to see everyone
I lucked out being there when C. was
she sold her house on the beach years ago and
was back for a visit - so fun to see her!
L. came the winter after we did
and built an adorable house on the beach
gringo dinner was our last night in Cuyutlan
and the sunset did not disappoint
year's ago we built 2 house models
they never got built
after dinner our last night
we burned them on the beach
it is the end of an era for us
we had a house in Mexico......
but hey, we still have family in Cuyutlan
dos abuelas
my counter part in Mexico
my grand kids other grandmother
and aunt
you know we will be back