Friday, November 29, 2013

- end of the month favorites -
first I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving
I have to show you the great desserts we had at the feast
B's cherry pie
and her sweet potato pie
and L's lovely addition
so much to be thankful for
or write a blog....


ok now for some politics


and now religion
who better than Jon Stewart - aye?
wow - Susan is pretty hot too

isn't that true

brilliant idea
speaking of kids
as an ex-chemisty teacher
I think everyone with kids should do this!!


and an idea for the holidays:

this is my favorite small house of the month
and these

are some of my favorite people
that I have never met

isn't this a great one of Frida with dreds?
both of these were new to me
so beautiful
 so amazing
love you for listening


1 comment:

  1. See, this is why I never look for the cool, thought provoking stuff for myself...I can count on you to do it for me. Thanks!
